Monday, 25 February 2013

Purple Nurple

Purple Nurple on O'Grady Street, Melbourne, Vic., 2013

Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman on a wheel. It gives a woman a feeling of freedom and self- reliance.

-Susan B. Anthony, New York World, February 2, 1896

Many informal Internet sources will define “purple nurple” as any one of the following: a synonym for “titty twister,” a variety of cocktail drink, or just simply a rhyming word used when describing something that is purple. I suppose the latter is the most true for me. I looked into the rusty eyes of my newly acquired two-wheeler as we were whizzing down narrow Melbourne back streets when I named my bike, Purple Nurple.

It just came out of me!

I actually said it out loud with a smile. I couldn’t wait to throw my bike’s new name into casual conversation. I giggle just thinking about it. Let it be known that Purple Nurple’s given name is The Traveler, which I feel is exceedingly appropriate for both the bike and the rider.

I love this bike. It’s rugged, it provides a smooth ride, it only has one set of brakes so I never commit to high speeds, and let’s not forget … it’s purple! Riding Purple Nurple makes me feel like Skipper. Barbie has the pink bike, but Skipper has got to have purple. It’s just the law. I always felt a bit more like Skipper anyway. She was shorter, like me. She always had comfy, loose crop tops (which are back in style, just sayin’), and she was usually super tan – probably because she was young and carefree and just couldn’t be bothered applying that second coat of sun screen while hanging out with her friends at the skate park listening to music on a plastic boom box.

The Purple Nurple and I have been hittin' the streets of Melbourne together for a solid week now, and we’re going strong. Purple Nurple reminds me that a bike can really open up my world. I have suddenly developed a new perspective on this city! Curiously, Melbourne’s motto is Vires Acquirit Eundo, which in its original Roman context translates as, “In her freedom of movement lies her power, and she gathers strength with her going” ( While I have not been the only partner Purple Nurple has kept over the years, I hope that our time together will provide us with unique and memorable journeys. Lent to me by a family friend, I selected Purple Nurple out of a choice of two bikes. I originally chose Purple Nurple based on gear-switching ability, which is excellent. However, I can already see the list of Purple Nurple’s attributes growing. 

Enjoying the ride, 
Little G

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